Height/Weight: Re: [geeks] quiet

dave at cca.org dave at cca.org
Sat Jun 8 18:56:41 CDT 2002

pwargo at basenji.com writes:

>On Saturday, June 8, 2002, at 07:59 AM, dave at cca.org wrote:

>> The 80s were somewhat bleak.

>Bleak?? BLEAK??  No, the 90's were Bleak.  The 80's had some good 
>tunes.  However, as Homer sez, "Everybody knows rock achieved perfection 
>in 1974."


Underground 90s music was better than 80s. Both were horrific
on the radio dial.

Metal got seriously heavy & fast. Punk adapted speed metal drumming
and got even heavier & faster. "Post-hardcore" exploded in a million
different directions. New wave started getting injected into everything.

And the 90s had ROMULANS! You can't compete with a fashion trend
that completely ludicrous.

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------
----- Being poked in the eye with a sharp stick makes baby jesus cry! -----

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