[geeks] Glad I don't live in Texas!

Michael A. Turner mturner at whro.org
Tue Jun 11 13:02:38 CDT 2002

> ~ Heh.  All kidding aside, as long as you and Bill (and various 
> ~ others) live
> ~ there, it can't be all bad.  Plys, at least you have your own 
> ~ air force...
> ~ (Ducks as F15 from Miramar base screams overhead).
> I believe the Confederate Air Force is based in Texas, so 
> they DO have their
> own air force.
> (For the uninformed, there IS an organization known as the 
> Confederate Air
> Force, they mostly maintain and collect antique millitary aircraaft)

	Not anymore. Their is no longer a Confederate Air Force. They
changed their name to Commemorative Air Force a while back. They are still
at their old URL though. http://www.confederateairforce.org/info/index.html
and they are still located in midland Texas.

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer
michael.turner at whro.org

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