[geeks] animaniacs question

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Sun Jun 16 11:41:57 CDT 2002

On Sunday, June 16, 2002, at 09:31 , Amy wrote:

> On Sun, 16 Jun 2002, Peter L. Wargo wrote:
>> Last time I saw it (I was a fan), it was on Cartoon Network.  <grabs
>> TiVo remote> Ahhh, it's moved to Nickelodeon...
> Grazie.

No problemo.  TiVo is my friend....

(Actually, I *still* lament the passing of VideoGuide.  The best Set-top 
box ever.  It didn't record (drove a VCR instead), but it had great 
listings (I worked for the company that provided them), news, sports, 
etc.  All wireless, on 900MHz pager frequency.  It was an EXCELLENT 
service, so the folks from Gemstar (the VCR+ people) bought it and 
KILLED it.  Assholes.


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