[geeks] Is it too much to be pissed...

Michael Schiller schiller at zaphod.agrijag.com
Wed Jun 19 05:34:28 CDT 2002

Andrew Weiss wrote:

> OK I'll do my full list...

I might as well throw  my list into the mix.

trillian    U1/200
zaphod      U30/300
janus       SunPCi card in U30
ford        HP Pavilion (366mhz celleron)
tadpole     3GX (110mhz msparc)
scorpion    SS1000 (8 x 85mhz)
dragon      SC2000 (18 x 85mhz)
galaxy      SS670  (2 x 60mhz)
ns1         Classic (50mhz msparc)
ns2         LX      (50mhz msparc)

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PGP fingerprint: D2 4F A8 B7 13 D5 73 1E  48 99 40 99 F9 BC 74 74
Email: schiller at nospam.agrijag.com          http://www.agrijag.com
Voice: 304-334-3951                          FAX: 304-334-3644

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