[geeks] Satellite Dishes - old style...

Mike Nicewonger twmaster at twmaster.com
Sun Jun 23 16:07:47 CDT 2002

On Sunday 23 June 2002 04:41 pm, you wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 23, 2002 at 04:31:09PM -0400, Mike Nicewonger wrote:
> > I also found out I have to have a permit to install data lines or cable
> > TV inside my house.
> Do WHAT?

A few selected quotes from the City of LAurel web site:

"Effective February 1, 1995, the City of Laurel initiated its own Electrical 
Code Enforcement Program. The program consists of receiving electrical plans, 
issuing electrical permits, and making electrical inspections. The
program applies to all electrical work including residential, commercial, and 
cable-TV. All electrical code enforcement in the City of Laurel by Prince 
George's County ceased on February 1, 1995.

Under this new program, all electrical work in the City must be performed by 
an electrical contractor holding a valid Prince George's County permit. 
Unlike some municipalities, Laurel does not require a separate
contractor's license issued by the City. Contractor's must, however, obtain 
an electrical permit issued by the City before starting any work and must 
display the permit on the job site.

Legislation establishing this Code Enforcement Program makes provision for a 
homeowner to perform residential electrical work on his own property after 
passing an examination and obtaining a Homeowner's Permit.
Service work, such as preparing a heavy-up of the electrical service, is not 
authorized under this homeowner provision of the legislation.

Low voltage installation such as fire alarms, security systems, telephone, 
data systems, control systems, signs and television systems (both cable and 
satellite dish) are subject to the code enforcement program."

Fun huh?

Where is George Orwel these day's? :)

Mike N

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