[geeks] how to beat the heat....

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Wed Jun 26 15:38:47 CDT 2002

On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 04:28:55PM -0400, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> I find the heat is a lot more bearable out on the Prairies where the
> humidity isn't so damn high!  ;-)

When the humidity is low, no amount of heat will get to me.  At least
none that we've had.
> Of course pollution is a real drag too.  We've had lots of smog alerts
> around here and I'll be damned if yesterday the air wasn't so bad here
> in the city that breathing it felt like drawing in the exhaust fumes
> directly from a tailpipe of an overheated racecar.

They call them "Ozone Action" days here.  Stupid name, but apparently
a serious problem.  On these Ozone Action days I'll see the air
looking a particular type of hazy and think it is likely to be one of
those days, and usually I find I'm right when I get to work.
Joshua D. Boyd

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