[geeks] The One True Rant (was: um, hi. I'm new.)

David Passmore dpassmor at sneakers.org
Wed Jun 26 17:45:22 CDT 2002

On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 06:41:33PM -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:

> > I'm still interested in computing, but it's become totally unfulfilling for
> > me as a career. I'll have to find some other way to make gobs of money.
>   You could be a CEO and strip-mine companies.  They steal TONS of
> money, don't have to lift a finger to get it, and never seem to be
> held accountable.  Oh WAIT, you're an honorable person.  I suppose
> that's out, then.
>   WorldCom owes my mom's company many thousands of dollars.  She'll be
> in deep [bankruptcy] shit if they don't pay up.  I really don't like
> it when people fuck with my mom.

Wait; how did my rant turn into a post about worthless companies in a single
post? :)


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