[geeks] Re: um, hi. I'm new.

Matt Braun mjbraun at enteract.com
Thu Jun 27 11:32:34 CDT 2002

> This brings up a new thread:  What non-geek, 
> non-computer/electronic hobbies
> do y'all have?

A little late but:

 * Trying to learn Go
 * Photography
 * Mountain biking (as soon as I can buy a new bike, though)
 * Camping (kinda)
 * DJ-ing
 * Anime (though my collection is rusty)
 * Girlfriending

The last takes up pretty much all of my weekends...

===========[b l i x]============
"Rub the bee. Rub the bee.
Keep rubbing the bee or damn
  your eyes, your life is ashes.
====[mjbraun at enteract.com]====

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