[geeks] (no subject)

dave at cca.org dave at cca.org
Thu Jun 27 16:39:39 CDT 2002

mturner at whro.org writes:

>	What I always find amusing in these arguments is that people miss
>the fact that editor preference is based on what you started with. Same
>thing with OSes and web browsers. Whatever you start out with is what you
>will gravitate to. It is very hard to break these patterns once established.

Not always. I was an evangelical Mac user in the mid 80s. Then I
started using VMS on a VAX and liked it. Six months later, I got
access to a VAX runnig BSD4.3, and was completely blown away. My
Mac became a terminal. I used emacs for my first year and a half
of unix hacking. Then I forced myself to learn vi, for emergency 
situations, and loved it once I got used to it.

Once you're in an environment you're *really* comfortable in,
you don't typically change though.

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org -------
----- If you want god in your government, move to fucking Afghanistan. -----

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