[geeks] baby stuff

Jennifer Sharp jensharp at psychoses.org
Thu Jun 27 23:49:47 CDT 2002

Ok lowdown on the baby: We are fine. Info can be found here so as not to
spam the list: http://insane.psychoses.org/Baby.htm  I am about 18 weeks,
(or so they tell me). Don't know the gender yet. Haven't had the latest
ultrasound that shows it.

You are a doula, huh? I may need you to deliver this child if my health
insurance problems keep going the way they are.  :P

Jennifer Sharp

"Do not taunt Happy Fun Pregnant Woman."  -- James Sharp

>Oh, cool! Congratulations & best wishes & so on. How close to the wee one's
>arrival are ya?
>Is this your first? How are you feeling?
>Apologies if I'm being invasive. I know how annoying it is to get the
>Standard Pregnant Chick Questions over and over and over and over and over
>(and no, I *won't* ask about the gender of your baby).
>I'm a birth-geek too. I suppose I should have warned everybody...
>-Beth, who has taken doula (professional labor support person) training
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