[geeks] baby stuff

Kris Kirby kris at catonic.net
Fri Jun 28 13:59:59 CDT 2002

On Fri, 28 Jun 2002, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> I used to drive an '86 sentra.  The floor was rusted out, and then one
> day I was driving in slush, and the floor exploded inward from the
> force of the slush being kicked up by the wheels.  It packed a good
> 6-8" on slush in under the carpet on the passenger side.

Yup, that's the car. I don't have a rusted floor (TGI Texas and Alabama!)
but the trim on the windows is rusting off. I do have a functioning A/C
though -- it's like methadone though -- just takes off the edge.

Did you have the 1.6L Carburated engine? Quite the little powerhouse --
0-60 in 30 seconds....

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR          | TGIFreeBSD... 'Nuff said.
<kris at nospam.catonic.net>   | IM: KrisBSD | HSV, AL.
"Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony."

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