[geeks] Mom, part deux...

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Wed Mar 6 22:36:36 CST 2002

So, I was asking my 72-year-old mother how it was going with her new 
iMac (her DSL gets hooked up Friday), and she let me know that her RAM 
expansion had also been installed at the Apple Store.  What I was 
surprised to find out is that she decided to go past my recommendation, 
and went for a full 1G of RAM.

Holy crap.  My mom with a 800MHz G4 with a gig.  Sheesh.

She says it is "much, much" faster than her 6500/225, and that she 
thinks she'll like OS X, once she finds her way around it.

I just couldn't stop chuckling at the though of my mom as a techo geek.  


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