Fanatics (Was: Re: [geeks] Booze and Religion)

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at
Sat Mar 9 12:07:17 CST 2002

On Friday, March 8, 2002, at 06:57 , Kurt Huhn wrote:

> I find it funny that when poked at, at vegetarian will get defensive and
> hostile.  When a steak-eater gets poked at, they say "yeah, so...".
> Just an observation.

A darn good observation.  For years I have pondered the nature of 
fanatics, both religious and otherwise.  Those who would seek to impose 
their will on you are usually far more obnoxious as those who wouldn't.

A good example is the "Pro Choice/Pro Life" crap. (An issue I've been 
aware of my whole life, as my Mom is Catholic and worked for Planned 
Parenthood for 20 years.)  You will notice that the "Pro Life" people 
get most of the attention, as they make the most noise.  Why?  Because 
the other side of the coin is, by definition, a "make your own decision" 
attitude.  Therefore, there is philosophically a lesser need to 
organize.  (It's been my experience that most people with "live and let 
live" attitudes organize only when they realize that their freedoms are 
being curtailed.

It is in my personal nature to distrust fanatics of any kind.  Why 
question is always, "Why do you feel the need to make me just like you? 
If you are happy where you are, and I am happy where I am, then what's 
the problem?"  (As I was writing this, a couple of Witnesses came to the 
door.  I have many friends who are witnesses, I leave them be, they 
leave me be.  To these folks I said as much, and told them I was a happy 
little buddhist.  They were nice, and wished me a good day.)

That's the funny part: I respect the beliefs of others: "Hey, if you 
don't want to get an abortion, fine."  My belief is: "Well, until we 
take care of the *existing* children and people in the world who are in 
need, why worry about a lump of flesh?"  (Hey, I wish it wasn't 
necessary, and that birth control always worked, as I have had to be 
with friends who went through it, and it was very unpleasant for them.) 
Why can't they respect mine?  Why do they feel the need to "preserve my 
soul?"  F**k 'em - my soul is my business.


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