Fanatics (Was: Re: [geeks] Booze and Religion)

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at
Sat Mar 9 12:57:37 CST 2002

On Saturday, March 9, 2002, at 10:25 , Bill Bradford wrote:

> Best commentary I've heard on this one: (dont hit me, please..)
> Ever notice that the pro-life women are ones that you really wouldnt
> to f**k in the first place?

I've seen a few that were *really* cute, but their attitudes put me way 
off.  Usually that ultra -sugary, bible-thumpin', "My first love is the 
LORD JESUS", right-wing Christian attitude that make me want to fill my 
shoes with steaming piles of vomit.

Look, I have nothing against Christianity, or Islam, or anthything else 
for that matter.  But when you punctuate your EVERY SENTENCE with 
"Jesus", then you have taken it too far.  I've read the bible a few 
times, and nowhere does it say, "Go forth and become a drooling, 
lobotomized idiot who can only recite my name but not understand my 

Christ was a radical in his time, attempting to smash the established 
egalitarian religion of the day and make faith accessible to the 
people.  He fought *against* brainless worship.  Like the Buddha before 
him, and Muhammed after him, he tried to bring peace and equality to the 

Man, if we could only take all the energy wasted on ideological 
conflicts and use it to make the world a better place.


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