Fanatics (Was: Re: [geeks] Booze and Religion)

Mike Meredith hmv at
Sat Mar 9 15:58:38 CST 2002

On Saturday 09 March 2002 20:58, you wrote:
> "Pro-Life" != Christian
> My own personal religious belief could best be described as relaxed
> agnosticism mixed with ruthless social-darwinism.  Nevertheless, I
> have a real issue with the casual disregard for human potential that
> is embodied in the catchy "lump of flesh" moniker.  We cannot know

I don't know if it is overlooked, but I don't see the pragmatic 
objection to making abortion illegal mentioned very often.

Making abortion illegal won't stop abortion; it may not even reduce the 
number of abortions. It's illegal in Ireland (except for special 
circumstances), and there's a stream of "health tourists" coming to the 
UK for abortions. If the trip to the UK wasn't so easy, Ireland would 
be in the same situation that the UK used to be in --- women with 
access to resources would be able to get safe abortions, women without 
would only have access to very unsafe backstreet abortions.

My grandmother isn't the sort you would expect to be in favour of legal 
abortions, but is. She's certainly isn't in favour of abortions, but 
accepts that making it illegal would be worse ... because she's seen 
the effects that it has. She used to live next door to an illegal 

> in cases of rape and incest as well.  The only possible justification
> I can see is the in extremis hazard to the life of the mother (not
> including Ireland's easy suicide loophole).

It obviously isn't that easy or there would be fewer "health tourists".

> OTOH, this is just the way _I_ look at it.  Feel free to disagree as
> vehemently as you wish.  Convince me I'm wrong.

I wouldn't go so far as to say you're wrong.

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