[geeks] DNS help?

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Sun Mar 10 16:48:38 CST 2002

On Sunday, March 10, 2002, at 02:09 , alex j avriette wrote:

> I actually solve this by serving an internal domain and an external 
> domain. I have my nameserver set up to do internal machines on .putar 
> addresses (yes, "intarnet.putar" resolves inside my LAN). This way, 
> external hosts can resolve my vaio as "creamy.posixnap.net" and 
> internally I use "creamy.putar."

Ahh, but this takes away the transparancy I like.  I like being able to 
point browsers, mail, and the like to <whatever>.basenji.com (it all 
resolves to rogue) no metter if we are connected to the internal or the 
external network.


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