[geeks] ADMINISTRIVIA: Changes to mail delivery policies

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Thu Mar 14 14:34:33 CST 2002

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Greg A. Woods wrote:

> [ On Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 00:46:10 (-0600), Amy wrote: ]
> > Subject: Re: [geeks] ADMINISTRIVIA: Changes to mail delivery policies
> >
> > see, it comes down to a very simple choice. bill can either spend 3 hours
> > every night deleting mail from morons who never unsubscribe a dead
> > address, or he can spend 3 hours a day in bed with me.
> What I'm trying to say in this whole mess boils down to the fact that
> what Bill has done will ultimately take him away from you for even
> longer than he's gone now.  I.e. he's made the problem worse instead of
> better, at least for the one particular item I'm discussing.

then explain why bill has been happier since he instituted such a thing,
cleaned his room since he instituted this whole thing, and spent more
extra special quality time with me since he instituted this thing.

'ultimately's' dont much matter to us. if ultimately a website and a few
mailing lists intrude upon my life, then ultimately the entire machine
will be shut down (by me).

the policy will work just fine for the temporary (4 months?) time it has
been given to exist. beyond that, i assume things will go back to the way
they were before. in the meantime, that 3 hours is being used much more
creatively than seeing my husband bent over a keyboard like a line-worker
pushing 'd' every fifteen seconds for 3 hours a night.


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