[geeks] OH YEAH

Dave Kimmel criscokid at v-wave.com
Thu Mar 14 17:13:16 CST 2002

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Bill Bradford wrote:

> I've got one of the dual-900Mhz SunBlade 1000s, which is the
> same (I think) as one of the dual-900 SB2Ks except for disk
> size... its SWEET.

<shameful confession>
The only Sun hardware I have access to is at work...  I discovered
SunHelp.org when trying to learn about Solaris for work, not when trying
to figure out how to get some eBay'd piece of Sun goodness up and running.
And I haven't done anything about it!  (yet)
</shameful confession>

I must admit that the Enterprise 450 (dual 248MHz) that work has is pretty
spiffy.  I like it.  I definately want some Sun stuff in my house at some

-- Dave Kimmel
   criscokid at v-wave.com

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