[geeks] scsi cables

Mike Nicewonger twmaster at twmaster.com
Fri Mar 15 14:19:43 CST 2002

on 3/15/02 3:03 PM, Joshua D Boyd at jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 02:21:10PM -0500, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
>> Where is the best online place to buy them?
> Has anyone tried a2zcables.com?  They are near the top for google, but they
> seem kinda pricey.  They want $25 for a cable with DB25 on one end, end the
> mini-50 type connector found on Suns on the other.  That seems high to me,
> but perhaps I'm just an overly cheap idiot.

A2Z is very expensive. But when you want good SCSI cables they do cost. If
you want el-cheapo cables try www.cyberguys.com

Mike N

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