[geeks] OH YEAH

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Sat Mar 16 00:50:57 CST 2002

On Friday, March 15, 2002, at 10:57 , Bill Bradford wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 09:51:45AM -0800, Peter L. Wargo wrote:
>> (Small aside to note that Sun is not immune from hiring idiots - like 
>> the
>> Sun PS individual who, while working on the E10K install, turned off 
>> the
>> A/C in the data center because it was too cold for her.)
> Uhm, what!  Details please, no names of course.  This almost sounds like
> an ex-gf of mine who works for IBM GS...

The "computer room" at NCGR's old building was a 9'x30' room w/no raised 
floor.  There was a 3-ton wall-mount (external compressor) AC at one end 
of the long room, and a 2-ton at the other end.  In the corner of the 
wall with the 2-ton was a 5-ton added to cool the E10K, and ducted to 
the top of the room.  (Later we added another 5 ton.)

This lady was cold while working at the console, so she turned the temp 
controller for the 5-ton to "off".  She then went to lunch.  Room got 

Ya know, I should collect our stories on this list and make a book out 
of 'em...


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