[geeks] OH YEAH

Bjorn Ramqvist brt at g.haggve.se
Mon Mar 18 00:21:59 CST 2002

Thanks for the story, it was amusing. =)

"Peter L. Wargo" wrote:
> (Small aside to note that Sun is not immune from hiring idiots - like the
> Sun PS individual who, while working on the E10K install, turned off the
> A/C in the data center because it was too cold for her.)

That's almost like the story that never dies over at my current job. It
happened in the early days when they built the new headquarter and the
computer room in it. Raised floor, A/C ventilation from under the
cabling floor and all sorts of stuff a Real Computer Room(tm) should
need. One thing they'd miss was the failproof (l)user prevention.

Right next to the two doors to the computer room, they had installed two
emergency curcuit breakers(!), since by that time they hade "moving
parts" (printers) in a corner there.
Some nuthead came up with the idea of playing basketball in that, by
then, half-empty part of the computer room. That went on one, two and
three times... There were no fourth time. By mistake one of the guys
broke the main power to the servers by triggering the emergency curcuit
breaker with the basketball hitting the wall.

The failure cause in the log book? Yep.
"Power interruption caused of basketball."

Vdnliga hdlsningar/Best Regards
Bjvrn Ramqvist, Hdgglunds Vehicle AB

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