[geeks] Being a guy, and being sentimental.

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Mon Mar 18 11:52:20 CST 2002

> I refuse to let her toss it out.  She cant understand why not.
> I've had it for almost ten years now.
> Someone else male care to explain?

It's been my experience that the males of the species (human, that is)
tend to develop emotional and sentimental attachements to things. 
Sometimes for no logical or easily explainable reason.  There's no use
really trying to explain it, as you can't - it's nearly impossible to

Karin wants to know why I can't give up a crappy old Compaq 386/20
laptop.  It's the first one I ever bought myself, with my own money.  No
other reason.

I also have a desk that I got from my dad when I moved out of my parents
house.  He built it when he was a kid from a kit (probably a Sears kit)
and it's rickety and in need of some serious TLC.  The top has split
because I stupidly ran my Indy without adequate air flow under it and
shrunk the grain of the wood.  One of these days I'll repair it, but for
now I flatly refuse to toss it out.  I suppose that has more sentimental
value than anything else.  If you're a guy you probably understand...

It almost took an act of God to get me to trade in my Taurus when buying
the truck.


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