[geeks] Re: [rescue] Re: Sad end to SGI Power Challenge XLstory

Brian Hechinger wonko at arkham.ws
Thu Mar 21 16:15:47 CST 2002

On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 05:17:25PM -0800, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> Load balancers, most likely.
> We've got a pair of BigIPs at Exodus.  Those things ROCK!  I recently

you have a pair, and yet you say most likely?  shame on you. :)

> tried to come up with a way to replace them on the cheap to try and save
> some budget - but it ain't gonna be worth it to try.
> F5 did a Good Thing with those.  Totally worth the money...

i actually prefer the Cisco LocalDirector, and at less than a third of the
cost.  the BigIP has the nice feature of doing SSL for you so you don't have
to on the web servers, but a cheap SSL accelerator and a pair of LD boxes would
cost less than a single BigIP.


"Oh, shut up Buddha."  -Jesus Christ (South Park)

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