[geeks] Mailing list software.

Gregory Leblanc gleblanc at linuxweasel.com
Tue Mar 26 00:11:20 CST 2002

On Mon, 2002-03-25 at 22:02, Dave McGuire wrote:
> On March 26, Mike Nicewonger wrote:
> > I need to set up a mailing list on one of my servers. I am looking at 
> > majordomo and mailman. Which is best. (Maybe that was a bad question) anyway. 
> > Which is the easiest to setup and maintain, which is most secure?
>   I've run majordomo for years, but switched over to mailman a few
> days ago.  Mailman kicks the shit out of majordomo in every way.
>   Majordomo is very slow, not very feature-rich, and has been pretty
> stagnant for several years.
>   In short...use mailman.  It rocks.

I'm in complete agreement here...  The PLD guys (Polish Linux
Distribution) have another mlm that they use, but it sucks, nearly as
bad as majordomo.  mailman could use a few hacks to make it a whisker
easier (like a more complete email interface), but aside from that, it's

Portland, Oregon, USA.

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