[geeks] Losers.

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Tue Mar 26 18:41:16 CST 2002

> hmmm.  oh well.  i'll just wait for MXE to come down in price. :)

By the time that happens you'll be able to get a whole Octane2 with R14k
and V6 for about the same price.  What to do...

> > higher than 60hz at 1600x1200, except for 1920x1035 which I'm a fraid to
> > try for some reason.
> would it even work right?  your monitor doesn't have the right aspect ratio
> for that.

Probably why I'm scared t try it - tho I did just see an SGI flat panel
on eBay for $750 buy-it-now.  Tempting....

My wife would cut my nutts off though.


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