[geeks] One of the things I love about America

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Thu May 2 12:05:45 CDT 2002

Hmmm interesting informative info... but I'd disagree with the 

On Thursday, May 2, 2002, at 12:11 PM, Chris Byrne wrote:

> Truman, great president, a little odd, funny, man of the people, never
> attended college, made hats, was an artillery colonel
Assessment: OK

> Eisenhower, good president, very odd, paranoid, people loved him, 
> attended
> west point, was a general
Assessment: OK (maybe but I wasn't around then)

> Kennedy, bad president but he had balls, satyriac and pain killer 
> addicted,
> attended harvard, was a playboy and a naval officer
Assessment: maybe; total womanizer, however... and not in a good way.

> LBJ, HORRIBLE president, worst of this century, may have killed kennedy,
> paranoid, agressive, was a math teacher and artillery colonel
Assessment: Not much of an opinion, but everything I have heard said he 
had balls... and was influential in the civil rights area after 
Kennedy... a very good thing.

> Richard Nixon, good foriegn policy but the sneakiest most parnoid 
> bastard.
> agressive, liar, perjurer obstructer of justice, got cought. was a naval
> officer and lawyer
Oddly I feel sorry for the guy, but he was a megalomaniac according to 
most people I talk to.

> Gerald Ford, national joke, complete moron, was on the warren 
> commission,
> played football for Ohio state, was an armor officer

He was funny on the Simpsons... :-)

> Jimmy Carter, great man, horrible president. Has a doctorate in Nuclear
> physics and a masters in international relations. Was a naval officer 
> and
> farmer
Great man who could have been a great president if he wasn't held back 
by Iranians working with the Republicans. (i.e. release the moment 
Ronnie was in)

> Ronald Reagan. Bad president but some good things came out of it. 
> Attended
> tiny joke college. Complete moron. Was an actor (eyesight too bad for 
> the
> army)
Agree 200%

> George HW Bush, Ok foriegn policy but horrible domestic policy.  
> attended
> yale. Was a naval officer, and the director of the CIA
Not really.  Not-so-great president who unfortunately got blamed for 
most of Reagans foibles. Bad on both foreign and domestic... the Gulf 
War was unnecessary.  Many could also argue Vietnam was a waste of 
time...perhaps Korea as well... We just don't know however, how it would 
have affected the Cold War progression ...but the Gulf War wasn't during 
the Cold War.

> Bill Clinton, bad president. OK domestic policy horrible foreign. 
> satyriac.
> purjurist and obstructor of justice. Attended Oxford mostly to avoid 
> getting
> drafted. RHodes Scholar. Was a lawyer
Great president, satyriac... although for a while he lacked sound 
decision-making skills... "waffling issue"... Lying about something 
that's a completely private issue is irrelevant to the job of president 
(hey he was embarassed).. In the same position I'd be like yeah did it 
so what.  I would attend a university too to avoid drafting (enforced 
slavery)  The draft is the most unconstitutional thing I can think of 
that nobody has challenged... How dare someone force me to fight for a 
country whose current political doctrine I may not believe in.... 
actually it's more of a case of self-preservation (the two worst deaths 
for me personally would be 1. by gun 2. AIDS or burning to death).  I 
didn't like Clinton's supposed alignment with Hollywood and some of the 
recent DMCA and other issues.... though I'm sure that was a case of who 
made the most convincing argument at the time.

> George W Bush, ok president so far, poorly spoken (sounds like and 
> idiot but
> isnt). was a drunk.  MBA from harvard. Avoided service in the national
> guard. Was a rich kid with a few businesses
<comic book guy>Worst president ever</comic book guy>

IS an idiot... total puppet of Cheney.  Was a drunk and a drug addict.  
Cares not for the environment. (stupidest environmental policy ever... a 
chimp with a dart board could do it better.)  Quoth Lewis Black "You 
cross your fingers and sign the treaty...  even if you don't perform you 
sign it."  All of his businesses failed and he has the economic sense of 
a meat loaf.

They should use the rule of evicting people from public housing if 
anyone in the family is caught with drugs (daughters) to evict the guy 
from the White House.  (after all if they can kick innocent grandmothers 
out... why not mr Rich stuff?)

> It's interesting when you see how many of our presidents were naval
> officers. Also the only president of this half of the century never to 
> serve
> in the armed forces was Bill Clinton. Most of the president above had
> acknowledged extramarital affairs (all accept Nixon, Carter, and the 
> present
> Bush surprisingly enough). Kennedy pretty much screwed anything that 
> moved.
> Ike and Harry both drank way too much, Kennedy was drug addicted and 
> had a
> crippling disease that he hid from everyone (Addisons disease. a 
> glandular
> disorder). Nixon was well... Nixon. We are talking some pretty fucked up
> individuals here.

Maybe they're all fucked up, but at least they're not Josef Stalin.  I'd 
say averaged out we wouldn't probably make any better presidents.  It's 
not a job I'd want.


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