[geeks] FW: boats

dave at cca.org dave at cca.org
Wed May 8 18:24:51 CDT 2002

chris at chrisbyrne.com writes:

>And man do I want one of either (or both). Actually I want any fountain but
>I especially want one of those two. I have seriously considered a boat like
>the supercruiser as a retirement home. Either than or a 12 meter or larger
>sailing yacht.

Speaking of boats you want...

I heard a reference on the radio this morning to someone in Providence
aquiring a russian sub & working on turning it into some sort of

I can't imagine this happening without generating lots of press in
geek circles, so has anyone in southern new england heard anything
about this?

I'm having a very hard time believing it...

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------
-------- "I prefer the ridiculous to the sublime." - James Chance ---------

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