[geeks] FW: boats

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Wed May 8 23:32:37 CDT 2002

Beautiful boats... I'd still go for the sailboat... I love sailing... 
and have since I was 7.  Something very powerful runs through you when 
you hear only the wind in the cloth and the water on the hull.


On Wednesday, May 8, 2002, at 01:58 PM, Chris Byrne wrote:

> Well fountain no longer make the Lightning with turbine engines as a
> production item, but they will still build one for you if you give them
> enough money.
> They do however build this
> http://www.fountainpowerboats.com/sportboats/47lightning.html
> Were talking a '47 foot luxury yacht that can do 80 mph with stock 
> power.
> They offer the boat with up to three 900hp supercharged Keith Black 
> racing
> engines with Arneson surface piercing drives for a top speed of well 
> over
> 100mph. They have built versions with custom powerplants capable of 
> reaching
> nearly 140mph.
> They also build one of the fastest, and nicest cruisers in the world
> http://www.fountainpowerboats.com/cruisers/65super.html
> A 65 foot yacht that'll do 60 mph. It has more (and nicer) living space 
> than
> my house, which is appropriate since it costs about five times as much.
> And man do I want one of either (or both). Actually I want any fountain 
> but
> I especially want one of those two. I have seriously considered a boat 
> like
> the supercruiser as a retirement home. Either than or a 12 meter or 
> larger
> sailing yacht.
> My first fountain experience was in training. Fountain supplies the high
> speed patrol craft currently used by customs and the navy as well as 
> certain
> special application speedboats. The things are fast, well made, well 
> fitted
> out, and damned near indestructible. They are the favorite of movie 
> stunt
> companies as well.
> Chris Byrne
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