[geeks] Desktops

Bryan Fullerton bryanf at samurai.com
Thu May 9 19:49:51 CDT 2002

On Thursday, May 9, 2002, at 07:35 PM, Ryn wrote:

> Anyone completely  moved away from Winbloze? I am debating ousting
> Win2k and converting to Gnome on Linux.

Not really the same thing, but I recently switched my main desktop from 
an Athlon 900 running Win2k to a Mac G4/733 running OS X. I have no 
complaints. :)

Still have a slower Win2k box for running one or two Windows-only apps 
that require more IO/disk than I'm comfortable running in a Virtual PC 
session, and a FreeBSD box for testing OS/application upgrades for my 
servers and general mucking about.


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