[geeks] Desktops

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Fri May 10 08:08:32 CDT 2002

On Fri, May 10, 2002 at 12:33:20PM +0100, David Cantrell wrote:

> My preferred document creation tool is vi.  If someone else wants it pretty
> they can damned well prettify it themselves.  OK OK, on the rare occasions
> I want pretty text, I have LaTeX.  I don't do spreadsheets.

I always prefer to release, appropriate to the medium, pretty documents.  For
print work, that almost always means using Latex, Corel Draw, or Illustrator
(I'm kinda iffy about the Illustrator bit though because while I supposedly
have a legal copy, I can't locate the disks in the boxes of stuff that came
with the machine).

Other times, it means putting out pretty ascii.  I keep meaning to write emacs
macros for reformatting quoted material and text blocks for best results.  I
wander how badly written the gutenburg project formatting scripts are...
> At home, I use MS Office on OS X on the very rare occasions I need to
> look at a proprietary document.  I use Excel for maintaining my D&D
> character sheet, and that's just about it.
> If I need to prepare a presentation, I do it in HTML.


Joshua D. Boyd

Social Security - I have greater faith that Elvis is alive
and programming VAX assembler than that I will ever receive
a dime from it.  --  Patrick Giagnocavo

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