[geeks] isdn gateways

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Sat May 11 22:53:29 CDT 2002

On Sun, May 12, 2002 at 04:48:44AM +0100, Chris Byrne wrote:
> I've got a bit of nostalgia for the Indy because it was the first dedicated
> UNIX hardware I ever owned (I bought one from my college when they upgraded)
> But I don't really want to run IRIX as my firewall and dialup server. I
> don't think there's any other options though. As far as I can tell as of
> November of last year netBSD will run on an Indy, but not any Linux, and I
> don't think that netBSD supports the built-in ISDN.

Linux runs on an Indy.  Just about the only thing that Linux works on
from SGI.  http://www.linux.sgi.com/

Joshua D. Boyd

Social Security - I have greater faith that Elvis is alive
and programming VAX assembler than that I will ever receive
a dime from it.  --  Patrick Giagnocavo

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