[geeks] Table Saw Suggestions

geeks at sunhelp.org geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon May 13 17:09:13 CDT 2002

A bandsaw with a good sized table, guides and a resaw blade would work. But
this gets expensive. The Delta tablesaw I mentioned will work for the most

James Fogg, Network Engineer
Vicinity Corporation - New Hampshire
(603) 442-1751

~ -----Original Message-----
~ From: Michael Dombrowski [mailto:legodude at hammycorp.com]
~ Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 3:45 PM
~ To: geeks at sunhelp.org
~ Subject: RE: [geeks] Table Saw Suggestions
~ On 13 May 2002 at 10:20, geeks-request at sunhelp.org wrote:
~ > Maybe a tablesaw isn't right for you. The primary purpose of a
~ > tablesaw is for long distance ripping. Also, small work 
~ often results
~ > in a flesh sacrifice to the blade. Look into table scroll 
~ saws (blade
~ > reciprocates but they are cheap) and bandsaws (blade 
~ travels in a big
~ > loop and cuts clean and fast).
~ Well, let me outline what I need to do a bit more and explain why I 
~ thought a table saw would be best. For the current project, I am 
~ making a small box with all simple cuts - 45 and 90 degrees. The size 
~ is roughly 7"x9" using 1/4" and 1/2" hardwood. So for something like 
~ this, accuracy is my main goal. I also do larger scale stuff with 
~ 1/4"-3/4" plywood and particleboard and 2x4s where long cuts and 
~ quick 2x4 cuts would be nice. A table saw was my first thought 
~ because it can do the large cuts as well as the smaller cuts I need. 
~ A scroll saw lacks the guide I'd need to do proper long cuts, I can't 
~ make a straight cut by hand if my life depended on it. A band saw  
~ might work but from what I've read they're much more suited to 
~ curving cuts, not the straight cuts I need right now. I'm most 
~ certain not dead-set on a table saw but it seems like the best tools 
~ for my uses.  The problem with table saws in my price range seems to 
~ be that they simply lack the proper fences and guides for truly 
~ accurate work and with the small scale I'm working with, I think that 
~ blade wobble could be a problem. It seems that I'll just have to make 
~ sure the local Home Depot has a good return policy and buy one and 
~ test it out. That cheap Delta looks nices and If anyone has any 
~ better suggestions I'm open to them, thanks to those who have already 
~ offered advice.
~ Thanks
~ Mike
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