[geeks] lipschitz

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Tue May 14 11:47:13 CDT 2002

On Tue, 14 May 2002, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

> What do you do with it on the e6k?  That is a lot of CPU power for 
> mathematica.  I keep wanting to, but I never get around to it, try to write a
> renderer in mathematica.  At the moment what I want is to explore creating
> implicit surfaces by taking a piecewise function for n pieces, and takeing
> the limit of the function as n approaches infinity.  In my extremely limited
> experience, Mathematica is bad with limits, but I think this should be right
> up its alley.

The group I work for is part of R&D, so they do lots of modeling and
number-crunching.  They are actually hammering the 6000 pretty hard, so
I'm hoping to toss a USIII-based system into next year's budget. 

These guys just munch processor and disk.  :-)


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