[geeks] ISDN router

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Thu May 16 21:01:33 CDT 2002

On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 08:53:34PM -0500, Bill Bradford wrote:
> Grab an Ascend Pipeline 50; they're *cheap* nowdays ($50 or less).
> They do NAT with recent-enough (er, 2000 or newer) firmware; I set up
> a number of customers with it from '98-2000.

Just saw on Usenet:

Reply-To: "Carlton Whitmore" <sales at NOSPAMusedrouters.com>
From: "Carlton Whitmore" <sales at NOSPAMusedrouters.com>
Newsgroups: misc.forsale.computers.net-hardware,austin.forsale,houston.forsale
Subject: FS (3) Ascend Pipeline 130's  $50ea.

I have three P130-UBRI-L56 model routers.
Free shipping within the US.
Visa, MC, AMEX, COD or PayPal accepted.

Carlton Whitmore
512-413-1468 (leave message)

AFAIK the 130s will do ISDN or 56k frame relay.


Bill Bradford     
mrbill at mrbill.net 
Austin, TX        

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