[geeks] Re: Need an opinion

Michael Schiller schiller at zaphod.agrijag.com
Fri May 17 22:34:07 CDT 2002

Bill Bradford wrote:
Back in 1980 in NY I had the chance to buy a BRAND NEW Dodge Dip police
car for half off the cost, a local PD had ordered 10 new police cars,
then the city decided to switch over to using the County police, rather
than maintaining their own as they had, and the dealer had already
gotten in the cars, and just wanted to get rid of them!

I ended up buying a van (what I originally went to the dealer to buy),
but if I knew then what I know now I'd have bought 2 of them!


> If you've driven the police version of a car, and the "street normal"
> version of a car, I'd say you were qualified to compare the two.
> Bill
> --
> Bill Bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> Austin, TX
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