[geeks] Re: Cop Cars

Brian Hechinger wonko at 4amlunch.net
Sat May 18 08:47:26 CDT 2002

On Fri, May 17, 2002 at 10:52:40PM -0400, Michael Schiller wrote:
> Kurt:
> I ended up getting a 92 dually diesel. The link below are the pictures
> the seller had in the ad on ebay. Since then I've removed the fiberglass
> thing behind the cab (don't know what that thing is called), as well as

i believe they are called gay.  ;)

> the aluminum bed rails, the rear bumper, and tailgate, and installed my
> tommygate, as well as my cap that's built like a truck body, complete
> with a Todco roll up door that's tall enough to roll Sun 56" cabinets
> (like an SC2000) into the bed. But otherwise the truck still looks about
> the same.

damn, i want to see pics of it now that you are done with it!!!

that's a damn sweet truck.  how many miles you said?  it is certainly in good
condition.  i love the overhead CB rig as well.  i was hoping to find a nice
small CB that i could cram into the little overhead thing in my Xterra that
has the thermometer and compass in it (cute, but useless really)  that would
be sweet. ;)

"when it absolutely has to be there oh, sometime in the next few weeks"

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