[geeks] I want this....

Craig Leikis cleikis at superpages.com
Thu May 23 05:57:17 CDT 2002

When I took Assembly (1994), it was IBM 360/370.  Oh, the agony.  It pains
me just to type this. That and having to learn Cobol for that little piece
of sheepskin have scarred me for life.

My Cobol prof was a undergrad student at the same school and she told
stories about using punch cards.  It was, of course, the obligatory "I
tripped on the way to turn in my cards for the final run with 5 minutes to
go before the computer center closed and they went flying".

> Oooh, MIPS assembly.  Never got to learning it.  Here one professors teach
> SPARC ASM, but the rest just do Intel, if they even really do that.


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