[geeks] jobs

Mike Hebel nimitz at speakeasy.net
Wed Nov 6 08:27:35 CST 2002

David Cantrell wrote:

Sorry to hear it!  Welcome to the ranks of the techno-dead - and believe 
me some of us are quite rank! *drops decomposing body part*  Gee...I 
hope I don't need that... ;-)

Good luck finding something!  Hopefully you've become unemployed near 
the end of this whole crapfest and something will appear for you. 
Either way - don't give up.  There's still money in them thar hills you 
just have to be willing to move the corpses of the dead or find the rare 
unoccupied hilltop.

Me, I'm still trying to find something that will keep some money flowing 
in and allow me to be independant without gasping for air a year from 
now.  *drops another body part*  Though I may have to move faster...

Mike Hebel

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