[geeks] CHEAP compact fluorescent bulbs

Mike Hebel nimitz at speakeasy.net
Wed Nov 6 12:42:12 CST 2002

I've never used X10 but these guys:


claim to have searched specifically for X10 comaptible bulbs so there 
must be some sort of difference in how the less expensive bulbs handle 
the X10 signals.  I would think that unless they were buffered in some 
manner the ballasts on the bulbs would amplify any small amount of 
signal into something like a repeated starting arc in the bulb thus 
wearing it out.  But then I'm not a physics person so I'm probably 
grasping at straws.  Maybe a filter coil in the ballast circuits for the 
X10 frequency?

Mike Hebel

Leo Green wrote:

> Anyone ever used these compact fluorescent bulbs with X10?  I tried, and
> the bulbs kept flickering, and they blew out within a month.
> That's the only thing keeping me from going to CF's right now.
> FYI: I was using the X10 appliance modules, but even the lamp module I
> tried did the same.
> Chris Hedemark wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Since we've been talking about this lately I thought it would be of
> > interest.
> >
> > Went to Home Depot today to replace my first CF bulb that blew out.
> > That bulb cost me about $18 I think and I got it five years ago.  The
> > last five years has seen a lot of progress in CF bulbs.
> >
> > Well Home Depot had them as cheap as $4.97 for a 60 watt replacement
> > (which burns actually about a fourth of that and is cool enough to
> > touch while it is burning).  That was with a five year warranty.
> > Another buck and change for 7 years.  The prices have dropped
> > aggressively in the last six months, which is the last time I bought 
> one.
> >
> > Keep in mind these ~$5 bulbs are the "warm" ones that Mr Bill and
> > others don't like (they look kinda yellowish).  IIRC the  year
> > warranty model for <$2 more is much whiter, or "full spectrum".  They
> > have them from 9 watts for a 40 watt replacement (compact enough to
> > fit in some very tight fixtures) on up to a 150w replacement.
> >
> > Chris Hedemark
> > Hillsborough, NC
> > http://yonderway.com
> >
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