[geeks] Misuse of Java

vance at neurotica.com vance at neurotica.com
Thu Nov 7 00:25:39 CST 2002

On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Dave McGuire wrote:

> > I know of an embedded systems company that sanely came to the
> > realization that writing a safety critical system in Java was just
> > about
> > as insane as running it on M$-Windoze would be and thus they chose
> > Smalltalk instead.
>    Wow...someone actually USING smalltalk.  I've been programming
> professionally for about eighteen years, and nonprofessionally for about
> five before that...and I've NEVER heard of anyone using smalltalk.
>    Ever.

Are you sure I never mentioned that I developed in Smalltalk at IBM?

Peace...  Sridhar

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