[geeks] Misuse of Java

David Cantrell david at cantrell.org.uk
Thu Nov 7 04:56:51 CST 2002

On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 10:23:40PM -0500, Dave McGuire wrote:
> On Wednesday, November 6, 2002, at 03:10 PM, David Cantrell wrote:
> > Why does it suck?  Perl, not the people who use it.  What language 
> > should
> > I use instead, and how would it benefit me?
> It looks like fucking LINE NOISE for one.  More dollar signs than 
> actual code.  Cutesy names like "chop".

Bad C code looks like line noise, more asterisk signs than actual code.
Cutesy names like "malloc".

>    Let's not even get started on performance.

How many times do we have to rehash this?  Sometimes you need to squeeze
every last drop of performance out of a system.  Sometimes you don't.
Where programmer time is more expensive than run time, perl compares well.
And anyway, perl isn't slow.  This URL was posted earlier in this thread:
which quotes Kernighan and Pike as saying that of all the languages they
tested, perl was the second fastest, second only to C.  And look at the
number of lines of code taken to achieve that.  18 lines of perl.  150
lines of C and 70 of C++.  You know as well as I do how much of a
programmer's time is taken up by debugging, and how the number of bugs
multiplies with the amount of code.

>    How many times do we have to rehash this?

Until I get a decent explanation.

Lord Protector David Cantrell     |     http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

    This is a signature.  There are many like it but this one is mine.

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