[geeks] Weta

Shawn Wallbridge swallbridge at franticfilms.com
Thu Nov 7 12:34:19 CST 2002

Joshua D Boyd wrote:

>On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 12:06:06PM -0600, Mike Hebel wrote:
>>Steven Hill wrote:
>>>for those who don't like long urls.
>>>and 200Tb of data.
>>Makes Rackspace (www.rackspace.com) look small.
>>I have trouble even conceiving of using that much space.
>It's not that hard for me to imagine using.  Imagine lots of video at
>2k resolution (err, is that 2k across, or 2k vertically?), each major
>element of a scene being a seperate layer, etc.  Plus all the scratch
>work being saved to keep you from having to completely rerender for
>every change.  It adds up real quick.
>What is hard for me to imagine is the multi gig .rib files Pixar
>supposedly uses.
>>We'll be getting to the Star Trek data storage size limit soon.
>What's that?
2K across. But they probably started at 4k across. And their goal was to 
have EVERYTHING for all three movies available all the time.

Hell for Swordfish, we had 4k plates and we only did 42 sec. of footage 
and we used almost 2TB.


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