[geeks] Children's Shows...

Chris Byrne chris at chrisbyrne.com
Sat Nov 9 16:34:43 CST 2002

> Sounds like something troups of heavily armed 12 year olds 
> would be singing while hunting down "counter revolutionaries" 
> in China in the early 70s.

You know I never thought of it that way but... Yeah actually it does
doesn't it. Some kind of weird song from the cultural revolution. 

In that same vein of songs that say one thing but could have an entirely
twisted ouble meaning

"Im the friendly stranger in the black sedan wont you step inside my
car. I got pictures candy I'm a lovable man wont you take me to the
nearest star"

It's SO totally a child molester song just from that line

Anyway the song is actually a pretty cool bit of music. Vehicle from the
Ies of march. They later borke up and parts of them reformed as the
guess who. 

Chris Byrne

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