[geeks] Harman kardon

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 16 05:51:19 CST 2002

--- dave at cca.org wrote:
> vance at neurotica.com writes:
> >AFAIC, the vast majority of everything they've ever made has been
> complete
> >garbage.
> Wasn't HK high-end in the 70s? (Not *audiophile* high-end, but
> the more-than-$500-per-component home market.)

I think HK was more like "mid-range" (like you said, not *audiophile*
high-end), but thier equipment has certain tech/design philosophies
unique to them that you may or may not like/appreciate. The HK receiver
I had (An HK 460, IIRC, it has been a long time now), had some *huge*
caps in it that stored energy for spikes in output, in an attempt to
cushion the PS from a form of "brownout" when the music volume
(amplitude) spiked...


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