[geeks] Office OS X

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 20 21:03:41 CST 2002

--- Kurt Huhn <kurt at k-huhn.com> wrote:
> Joshua D Boyd <jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu> wrote:
> > Myself, I use emacs instead of Word, siag or gnumeric instead of
> > Excel (though more often I just scratch out small scheme or elisp
> > files instead of using either), and probably the Gimp or
> > Illustrator instead of PowerPoint.  The only thing I don't have a
> > great substitute is Access.  Who needs any of the normal office
> > suites?

Joshua, you don't use squeak in place of powerpoint - supposedly Alan
Kay uses it for his presentations... (Per John Dvorak)

Also, why not use MySQL in place of Access? My company uses Access
every day, and there is little in Access that MySQL can't do...

OT: One of the neatest little boxes I've seen lately is the HP
100/200LX - great little DB built-in, just draw a form and go! No
tables todefine, it all Just Works (tm).



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