[geeks] POWER5!!!!

Eric Dittman dittman at dittman.net
Wed Nov 20 22:12:37 CST 2002

> > The odd bit is that Iraq doing the same thing on a much
> > smaller scale is somehow justification to invade.
>    I think it's more an issue of "idiot unelected president thinking 
> that if he doesn't divert attention away from himself people are going 
> to lynch-mob him".

Bush was elected, according to the laws governing the
election of the President of the United States.  He
won the Electoral College even though he didn't win
the popular vote.

Sure, the Electoral College is a stupid idea in this
day and age, but by law it decides the president.

Several media groups did a post-election check of the
Florida votes, and even under Gore's criteria Bush
won Florida.

So Bush won Florida, Bush won the Electoral College,
so Bush is the elected President of the United States
of America.

> That guy is so obsessed with the idea of proving himself that he'll 
> take the whole fucking country down to do it.

Saddam is nuts.  He's proved in the past that he has no qualms
about using chemical weapons against his foes.  He's also tried
to get nuclear weapons.  He's financed terrorism.  He's tried
to commit genocide.  He's another Hitler waiting to happen.

We could do a Chamberlain and ignore him, but look where that
got Europe.

One problem we have is that *EVERY* country in the Middle East
supports, either officially or unofficially, terrorism against
the United States.
Eric Dittman
dittman at dittman.net
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