[geeks] Net-printer-thingies

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 6 08:33:31 CDT 2002

CompUSA has a 2-port Netgear print server for $100...

I've also seen "strap-on" printservers new for as low as $40-50/ea
recently (places like Staples have them on sale occasionally)...



--- Kris Kirby <kris at catonic.net> wrote:
> I've got at least two printers (inkjet and laser) I want to network
> to lpd and Windoze. I'm thinking the best, cheapest, smallest way
> to do this is a jet-direct type of device; I want to keep from
> implementing a full PC to do this. Objectives are: Ease-of-use, low
> power consumption, multiple (2x parallel) ports. Bidirectional
> 'doze communication a plus.


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