[geeks] Mensa

dave at cca.org dave at cca.org
Mon Oct 7 11:12:18 CDT 2002

mturner at whro.org writes:

>	Oct. 19th is Mensa's day of testing. I am thinking of going and
>taking a swing at this test just to see how I do. Has anyone else on the
>list taken the test? Are their any members of mensa here? I am curious if it
>is worth my time to join, do they do anything and is it any fun?

I joined one year out of curiosity, didn't bother renewing
the next year.

You can get in on SAT scores, so if you're curious, just check
if you passed those test requirements. (I don't remember what
the numbers were.)

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------
------------------------ Drink Your Ovaltine! -----------------------------

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