[geeks] I really don't get it ...

Shawn Wallbridge swallbridge at franticfilms.com
Tue Oct 22 14:58:57 CDT 2002

Mike Hebel wrote:

> That is until you have no place to grow the bio part of the 
> bio-diesel.  Or until the fast-food companies figure out that there is 
> money to be made in the grease that they're disposing via the owners 
> of "veggie van"(s).  The best bet IMHO is some sort of H2O -> Hydrogen 
> production using efficient solar.  That at least would produce a 
> semi-renewable fuel.  Until it goes mainstream for years and then 
> mis-adjusts something in our atmosphere.  Then again maybe by that 
> time we'll be bred for life in that environment. ;-)
> Mike Hebel
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Umm. Could water mis-adjust something in our atmosphere? Maybe I am 
reading that wrong.


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