[geeks] Greenery and brambles...

Chris Hedemark chris at yonderway.com
Mon Oct 28 09:04:40 CST 2002

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On Monday, October 28, 2002, at 05:18 AM, David Cantrell wrote:

> So that you can get at them conveniently to harvest them without 
> damaging
> the plants.  The alternative is to plant closer to together and use 
> child
> labour, as they can get into smaller spaces.

Or plant them tightly in four foot wide rows, as from either side of 
the row it isn't hard to reach in two feet.

> If I were to ever get seriously into growing my own food, I guess I'd
> plant in rows six feet deep, that meaning that I could reach into the
> centre without breaking stuff.  But to grow on any meaningful scale -
> like enough to feed myself - I'd need more land than I can 
> realistically
> afford.  Land in the fertile areas of England is far too damned 
> expensive.

Ah yes in England, perhaps, but there is a great book called "five 
acres and independence".  It's an older book but I think in the 
southeast united states the number of acres needed can be smaller than 
5 for total food independence.

Chris Hedemark
Hillsborough, NC

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